We strongly recommend that offers be made in person or by phone and followed-up by a formal offer letter if possible. Candidates who receive an offer in person generally appreciate the opportunity to ask questions and obtain additional details about the offer and the responsibilities of the position. This is almost always in the best interest of our client and affords our client an additional opportunity to assist in recruiting the candidate.It is critical that the person making the offer speaks well on behalf of the company, have knowledge of the job responsibilities, and can refer the candidate to any person(s) who may have additional information on benefits, relocation, etc. Candidates are impressed when a company/firm has reached out to them on a personal level and has taken an interest in providing the candidates with all the information that they need to make an informed decision.This can most definitely give our clients an advantage over the other opportunities that a candidate may be considering.In addition, the candidate has a chance to develop a rapport with the individual(s) they may be working alongside.Most of the time, the offer encompasses a number of details, all of which should be clearly understood.

The offer letter should include the following:

  • Opening sentence letting the candidate know how pleased the firm or company is to extend the offer of employment

  • Compensation (annual salary, eligible bonuses, stock options and/or awards)

  • Benefits

  • Deadline on acceptance of offer (we recommend not keeping an offer out any longer than two weeks)

  • Expected start date

  • Relocation allowance

  • Sign-on bonus

  • Contingencies of an offer such as passing a physical, checking references, background check on licenses and degrees


It is not necessary, but the letter may mention special job requirements such as frequent traveling. If there is a lengthy explanation of benefits or relocation, we recommend including the related brochures that will explain these specific details.

 Contact Premier Legal Staffing, Inc. for the latest information on competitive salaries within the intellectual property field of law.